15th March 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope that this letter finds you well.

We are fast approaching the summer exam period and the end of compulsory schooling for our Year 11 cohort. At this point there are a few details that we would like to share with you in advance of the official leaving day and beginning of study leave:

  • The final day for Year 11 will be Thursday 4th May. This date has been decided upon to balance the need to keep students in lessons for as long as possible to complete preparation and assessment components whilst recognising the start of the main exam period
  • On the 4th May a ceremony will take place in the in New Canteen. Students should arrive at 8.45am, wearing full school uniform
  • If students wish to participate in the customary ‘shirt signing’ then they should bring a spare shirt and it is this spare shirt which should be the one used for gathering signatures
  • Some nibbles and drinks will be laid on following the ceremony and the students will be free to go by around 10.40am
  • A study space will be available from 11.10am for any students with an exam in the afternoon

I have only known our Year 11 students since September however it has become clear to me that the vast majority are approaching the exam period with great maturity. I am sure that planning for revision is well underway and all that we can ask is that students make the very best preparation possible. Once fully prepared, I hope that the exams will present a positive challenge and that the results will be absolutely deserved.

Should your child have any concerns with their revision, I would encourage them to speak directly with their teacher at the earliest opportunity.

Yours faithfully,

Mr G Corrin, Head teacher