I do not know my login details for Google classroom:

You will need to know your email address and password.

Your email address is: your name followed by @online.sch.im. Therefore, if your name is Joe Bloggs then your email address is: joebloggs@online.sch.im. This may differ if you share a name with another student or have a - in your name.

Any issues with usernames or passwords, please ask a parent/carer to email: ros.alcock@sch.im

I do not know how to access my classrooms:

1. Open Chrome or any internet browser Picture1.png?m=1663753719
2. Go to Google and click Sign in Picture2.png?m=1663753727
3. Enter your email address and password See above for reset instructions if needed
4. To navigate to Google Classroom, click the main menu (9 dots in the top right corner) and choose Classroom Picture3.png?m=1663753750Picture4.png?m=1663753755
5. Your teachers should have added you to all your Google Classrooms. If not, please click the main menu icon again and choose Gmail to send them a message asking them to do so. Alternatively, please email: bhsenquiries@sch.im so the teacher can be contacted. Picture5.png?m=1663753762
6. To enter a Google Classroom, click on the link for that class Picture6.png?m=1663753768

I need more support on how to use Google Classroom:

We have set up a support Google Classroom called Student Support, which contains videos and documents showing you how to do common tasks such as finding your way around a classroom, opening and downloading material set by teachers and handing in work for feedback.

To join this classroom, log into Google Classroom as shown above, click the + symbol in the top right corner, select join class. Enter the code gyjcaya and click the join button.