
It is our intention that students with complex learning needs are supported to achieve their potential through access to quality class teaching and appropriately differentiated learning activities and approaches.

Our long term goal is to help equip our students with the knowledge and skills they need to live fulfilling and independent lives, achieving the goals and aspirations that our students set for themselves, with the support of all those around them.

  • To provide full access for all students to a broad and balanced curriculum
  • To ensure that the needs of students with COMPLEX NEEDS are identified early
  • To ensure these students are assessed, monitored, planned for and regularly reviewed to improve outcomes and therefore make the necessary progress
  • To enable students with COMPLEX NEEDS to achieve their potential
  • To ensure students are prepared for adulthood
  • To ensure COMPLEX NEEDS students are equipped for life in the wider community
  • To ensure parents/carers are fully engaged in decision making, assessing progress and determining goals
  • To gain the views of the student and enable them to have a voice
  • To take into account the views, wishes and feelings of students/parents/carers
  • To provide advice and support for all staff working with students with COMPLEX NEEDS
  • To identify and refer students to the appropriate services where a need has been identified
  • To implement the advice of experts and professionals involved from outside of the school
  • To identify and direct parents to the best providers of support
  • To provide detailed information about the arrangements for identifying, assessing and making provision for students with COMPLEX NEEDS
  • To support key transition points to allow them to be as smooth as possible


  • We will implement and regularly review our SPC Provision, ensuring its effectiveness and adjusting it accordingly
  • PSAC/SEND Advisor & Secondary SPC Managers will identify children in EYFS who have complex learning needs as early as possible and the SPC Manager & Educational Psychologist will facilitate a plan to ensure the appropriate level of support is planned for
  • The whole Island SPC register is kept up to date and regularly reviewed, including data on primary needs, diagnoses etc.
  • The SPC MANAGER will initiate and complete relevant paperwork for referrals to other services or applications for funding e.g. Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP), Speech and Language Therapy referrals and other health referrals etc.
  • We will co-ordinate support for students with COMPLEX NEEDS both at home and in school to ensure a holistic approach through regular meetings with social services, medical practitioners and parents to capture their views as well as those of the student
  • The SPC Manager will liaise with external agencies and help the staff to implement their strategies and advice
  • As a supportive and diligent SPC we will support our SESOs with training and expertise to ensure the best outomes for students with COMPLEX NEEDS
  • The SPC TEAM will attend courses to keep up to date with current issues, attend regular CPD, research key COMPLEX NEEDS areas and disseminate relevant information to staff
  • We will ensure that staff CPD needs are kept up to date by contributing to in-service training
  • A flexible approach to the curriculum is taken for students with COMPLEX NEEDS who may needs a more hands on experiential approach to learning e.g. Scouts, MSR, visits to the local shop, walks around the local area etc. Regular learning walks and classroom based literacy sessions will take place to ensure that SPC students are well supported and making progress as well as termly reviews.
  • We will strive to ensure that students are fully prepared for the next phase of their learning and that they develop appropriate life skills to help them live with growing independence
  • That students will be prepared mentally and socially for the challenges that the future may bring


  • Our SPC Students are happy, safe and have their needs met
  • We develop a safe learning environment where difference and diversity is embraced and all students are respected and respectful
  • Students have a voice and feel heard – they are involved in decisions made about themselves
  • Staff are empathic, supportive and compassionate and create effective learning opportunities for all
  • Parents feel listened to, supported and play an important role in decision making about their child
  • Early intervention means that we can close emerging gaps early and/or identify needs and implement support quickly
  • Relationships between staff, students, parents and wider professionals are at the heart of everything we do

