Operated by Bus Vannin, school buses operate during term time to enable easy transportation to and from school. These are subject to alteration in bad weather or as a result of road works.

Bus Timetable

At the end of the school day, students wishing to travel home by bus line up in the netball courts according to bus number. To avoid congestion of the bus lane and aid ease of access to buses, students will be escorted to the appropriate bus by a member of staff.

Stops can only be made upon request to the driver and must be at a designated bus stop. Please note there are some restrictions on stops on certain routes due to capacity issues.

The cost of travel on buses is 50p with a pre-paid Go Card. Those travelling to school without a card or at other times will have to pay the standard fare.

High standards of behaviour are expected at all times from any student using the bus service. Poor behaviour will be investigated and may lead to travel on buses being withdrawn.

Students who receive free school meals may be exempt from paying a fare on school buses and those eligible will be issued with a Go School travel card by the Department of Education and Children. Click here for more information.