Attitude to Learning Grade Descriptors
Attitude to Learning grades focus on students becoming more independent in their learning and are measured against success criteria to encourage students to develop specific habits that will enable them to succeed academically and progress to their next stages of education.
Attitude to Learning Grade Descriptors
Leave of Absence Form
If you need to take your child out of school for any reason, a ‘leave of absence’ form should be completed. This can be collected from the school foyer or downloaded below. Once complete, this should be returned to the school foyer. Please complete and return to the School Office only as soon as possible but no later than one week before the requested leave date(s).
Guide to ParentPay
How to top up your ParentPay account and make payments.
New Admissions Form
Combined Enrolment and Data Collection Form
EAL Service validation
External Validation of the EAL Service
RSE Framework
Topics covered within the Relationships & Sex Education programme at Ballakermeen.
Relationships and Sex Education