Sadly, over the span of many years we have lost a number of students and staff whose lives have been tragically cut short. We remember these fallen members of our school family every two years when the whole school community of nearly 2,000 people including students, staff and friends of the school undertake a walk from Ballakermeen to Port Soderick beach, following a carefully risk assessed route. This long standing tradition of almost 30 years is our Memorial Walk and once gathered on the beach, a minute’s applause marks a heart-warming period of remembrance and celebration of life.

The Memorial Walk is a sponsored event with all the money raised divided between our five House Teams who in turn donate it to various charities across the island in further celebration of those we have lost. We are humbled that Ballakermeen alumni with fond memories of their time at the school, as well as members of the community often wish to support the event; with this in mind we open a JustGiving page prior to each Memorial Walk for those who wish to contribute. A link to our JustGiving page will appear below in the lead up to our next walk.

Our next Memorial Walk is due to take place Tuesday 19th July with Wednesday 20th as a reserve date (subject to change).