Below you will find a downloadable calendar produced by the BHSA, showing important dates for parents that take place throughout the year.

Provisional Key Dates 23-24

The lists below show examples of some key events that take place throughout the year. All events are subject to change and you will be contacted about arrangements for each of these closer to the time.

Year 7
  • Academic Tutoring
  • Meet the Tutor evening
  • Snapshots and reports
Year 8
  • Academic Tutoring
  • Snapshots and reports
Year 9
  • Academic Tutoring
  • Snapshots and reports
  • Junior Achievement - ‘Learn to Earn’ day
  • Introduction to careers day
  • GCSE ‘Options’ evening
Year 10
  • Academic Tutoring
  • Tutors’ Evening
  • Snapshots and reports
  • Employment and skills exhibition
  • Junior Achievement - ‘Get a Job’ day
Year 11
  • Introduction to Sixth Form evening
  • Tutors’ evening
  • Mock interview practice
  • Junior Achievement - ‘All About Money’ day
  • Higher Education Fair (University conference)
  • Record of Achievement Leaving Ceremony
  • Prom night

Lesson Times

The school day is broken down into sessions including a tutor period, six lessons times and a lunch break. Students are required to be on the school premises no later than 8.45am so that they can be registered by their tutor. The school day ends at 3.20pm for students. For those who wish to stay after school and access resources for homework/coursework, partake in some self-directed study or even just read a book, the main library will remain open until 4.00pm each day.

Period 1 (Registration) 8.45am - 9.10am
Period 2 9.10am - 10.00am
Period 3 10.00am - 10.50am
10.50am - 11.10am
Period 4 11.10am - 12.00pm
Period 5 (Lunch: Years 7, 9 & 11) 12.00pm - 12.50pm
Period 6 (Lunch: Years 8, 10, 12 & 13) 12.50pm - 1.40pm
Period 7 1.40pm - 2.30pm
Period 8 2.30pm - 3.20pm

School Term Times

Below is an outline of school terms and holiday dates as set out by the Department of Education, Sport and Culture. Please note that all dates are subject to change: Latest version. If dates have to change, every effort will be taken to notify parents and carers where possible. Students in Years 10, 11, 12 and 13 may have exams taking place during the TT break.




Autumn Term

Inservice days (closed to pupils)

Mon 4th & Tue 5th Sept 2023

Mon 2nd Sept & Tue 3rd Sept 2024

Open to pupils

Wed 6th Sept 2023

Wed 4th Sept 2024

Half Term

Mon 23rd Oct to Fri 27th Oct 2023

Mon 28th Oct to Fri 1st Nov 2024

Close for Christmas

Fri 22nd Dec 2023

Fri 20th Dec 2024


Spring Term

Open to pupils

Mon 8th Jan 2024

Mon 6th Jan 2025

Half Term

Mon 19th Feb to Fri 23rd Feb 2024
Includes 2 days in-service for all schools to be twilighted

Mon 17th Feb to Fri 21st Feb 2025

Includes 2 days in-service for all schools to be twilighted

Close for Easter

Thu 28th Mar 2024

Fri 4th Apr 2025


Summer Term

Open to pupils

Mon 15th Apr 2024

Tue 22nd Apr 2025

Bank Holiday

Mon 6th May 2024

Mon 5th May 2025

Bank Holiday

Mon 27th May 2024

Mon 26th May 2025

Inservice day (closed to pupils)

Fri 31st May 2024

Fri 30th May 2025

Half Term (TT)

Mon 3rd Jun to Fri 7th Jun 2024

Mon 2nd Jun to Fri 6th Jun 2025

Tynwald Day

Fri 5th Jul 2024

Mon 7th Jul 2025

Close for Summer

Fri 19th Jul 2024

Fri 18th Jul 2025

If you need to take your child out of school for any reason, a ‘leave of absence’ form should be completed. This can be collected from the school foyer or downloaded below. Once complete, this should be returned to the school foyer.

Leave of Absence Form