llakermeen High School Association
Charity Number: 336, registered in the Isle of Man - www.gov.im/charities.
Find us on Facebook at 'Ballakermeen High School Association' or email us on ballahighschoolassoc@gmail.com.
The Ballakermeen High School Association (BHSA) is a friendly group of parents, school staff and members of our local community. We are a registered charity and work independently from the school to achieve the following goals:
- Support and enhance the school through the funding of resources and services not normally covered by the school budget.
- Provide a forum in which parents and carers can discuss the educational and pastoral provisions of the school with each other and members of staff.
Ultimately we want what is best for our children. The school is very experienced in providing educational and pastoral services for our children and welcomes parental support in ensuring that these provisions remain available and continue to improve. Our goal, put simply, is to work with the school to enhance provisions if and where possible and to strengthen our partnership by adding the voice of parents to those of students, teachers and support staff to create and sustain a centre of excellence.
A voice for parents
BHSA members meet regularly throughout the year. In the comfortable confines of the school library with a warm welcome guaranteed. Members are able to discuss school life, ask questions, provide feedback or simply sit back and listen. The Head Teacher and other members of staff are present to answer questions, seek suggestions or support the activities of the Association.
Supporting the school community
Ballakermeen already offers students an impressive range of resources and services, however, not everything can be covered by the school budget. The school has enjoyed the support of the BHSA through funding of a number of resources, which have included fitness equipment, magazine subscriptions, first aid teaching resources, starter equipment for new clubs, prizes for competitions and much, much more. Funds are raised from activities that we organise and run throughout the year such as the ever-popular Christmas tombola, the competitive Parents vs Teachers Quiz and the fast-moving Bingo charity nights to name a few.
An invitation to parents and carers
We need thinkers and we need do-ers to join us; we would love to meet you! The dates of our meetings are shown below, simply come along, say hello and get involved. Our meetings begin at 6.30pm in the school library. For those unfamiliar with the school please arrive at the main reception area and follow the direction signs.
- Tuesday 25th March 2025
300 Club
The 300 Club works a little bit like a lottery; for just £2 a month you are not only helping to raise funds for the BHSA but also have monthly chances to win prizes! This is a great way for busy parents to support the school.
If you would like to join please download and complete the application form below and return it to the school receptionist who will make sure it reaches us, alternatively you can email your completed form to ballahighschoolassoc@gmail.com or setup your standing order using the details shown part way down the page. Once we have received your form we will contact you to let you know your unique 300 Club number. Winning numbers will be posted on our Facebook page each month and cheques dispatched by post to the winners!
Uniform Swap-Shop
We, as parents, understand that uniform is not cheap and can be a financial burden for many, which is why we are delighted to have been asked by the school to take over the Uniform Swap Shop. An initiative launched by the school, the shop seeks to rehome items of uniform which are perhaps no longer needed, for example where a student has outgrown their current uniform or has left school. Items of donated uniform can then be made available via the shop for parents to exchange for an alternative size or to kit out their child where financial challenges may be a burden. Whatever your reason for needed uniform, you can rest assured that no questions will be asked and no exchange of money or goods is necessary, essentially, this means you can obtain clean, good-condition, second-hand items of school uniform for FREE.
Throughout the school year we will publish the dates of upcoming Swap Shops on the Ballakermeen and the BHSA Facebook pages. Members of the BHSA will staff the shop while it is open and be on hand to assist you find the items you need. During these events please feel free to come and say hello, drop off any unwanted/unneeded items, exchange for a different size or to pick up any items that you require. Alternativly you can email our Swap Shop email address at bhsswapshop@gmail.com and we will be happy to see how we can help.
Please note that as the shop relies on donations of uniform, we sadly cannot guarantee that we will have all sizes or items required, but please do email us on the address below to let us know what you need and if we are able to put items aside for you, we will gladly do so.
Upcoming Events for Parents/Carers
Contact Us
Should you have any questions or queries about the Ballakermeen High School Association please feel free to drop us an email at ballahighschoolassoc@gmail.com or via our Facebook page.