27th September 2022

Dear Parent / Carer,

I am pleased to report that we have been able to put contingency arrangements in place up until at least the October half term which means we now have sufficient supervision to be able to safely accommodate Year 10 back school despite the ongoing industrial action.

This will take effect from tomorrow which means that Year 10 should attend school as normal from Wednesday 28th September. For years 8 and 9, this initial contingency will mean that we are able to have these year groups in more frequently as we continue to work towards a position where we can safely have all years back in school every day. We are not at that point yet.

The new rota of attendance will be:

Year groups to attend school week commencing 26/09/2022 Year groups to attend school week commencing 3/10/2022
Monday Year 7
Year 8
Year 10 - revised
Year 11
Sixth Form
Tuesday Year 7
Year 9 - revised
Year 10
Year 11
Sixth Form
Wednesday Year 7
Year 8
Year 10 - revised
Year 11
Sixth Form
Year 7
Year 9
Year 10 - revised
Year 11
Sixth Form
Thursday Year 7
Year 9 - revised
Year 10
Year 11
Sixth Form
Year 7
Year 8
Year 10 - revised
Year 11
Sixth Form
Friday Year 7
Year 9
Year 10 - revised
Year 11
Sixth Form
Year 7
Year 8 - revised
Year 10
Year 11
Sixth Form

This means that extra days of attendance have been facilitated for:

  • Year 8 on Friday 7th October
  • Year 9 on Thursday 29th September and Tuesday 4th October

As it stands these are our current contingency arrangements and I will be in touch again should there be any further changes.

I hope this is welcome news in what is an incredibly challenging situation for everyone.

Please continue to use BhsEnquiries@sch.im should you need to contact school and refer to the school website for general information.

Yours sincerely,

G M Corrin

Head Teacher