8th November 2022

Dear Parent/Carer,

We recently invited you to provide feedback on our behaviour systems and we were delighted that so many of you contributed to the review. I firmly believe that effective lines of communication between staff, parents and students are incredibly important if we are to continue moving the school forward. It is very much a team effort.

Your responses confirmed a broad support (76% full support; 16% partial) for the routines and systems we have implemented to ensure a safe, calm and well-ordered learning environment. As a collective, you raised some important points relating to communication, rewards and consistency and you can be assured that we will consider the actions we need to take regarding these areas.

Whilst we have started working on a full response to the feedback received, in the first instance I wanted to communicate a couple of minor amendments that we will be introducing with immediate effect.




Students felt that they were not made aware when detentions had been issued for lateness to registration or lessons

Lunchtime punctuality detentions will now take place the following day. We will send an ‘In-touch’ message to communicate the detention and form tutors will also, where possible, provide a reminder on the day of the detention

Better communication will mean that students are less likely to miss their detention. This, in turn, will reduce the number of after school detentions.

Students are finding themselves in the Independent Learning Base for missing Senior Leadership Team (SLT) Detention

We are introducing a Head teacher’s detention which will be issued to any student that fails to attend an SLT detention.

The Head teacher’s detention will be held after school and will last for 75 minutes.

Students that miss an SLT detention will not be withdrawn from lessons to work in ILB.

It is, however, important to note that the consequence of choosing not to attend a Head teacher’s detention will be a one-day suspension.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for making the effort to respond to the survey. You can be assured that your opinions are valued and I very much look forward to continuing to work in partnership with you in the coming years.

Yours sincerely,

G M Corrin

Head Teacher