5th December 2022

Dear Parent or Carer,

Year 11 mock examinations will take place between the 17th and the 23rd of January 2023. To ensure an authentic experience, all of the assessments will be held centrally and supervised by external invigilators. Students will receive an individual mock timetable in due course.

The mock timetable has been designed so that practical subjects can continue to be taught as normal. This includes courses delivered at UCM. If your child normally attends the college, they should do so on the morning of Tuesday 17th January.

We would appreciate your support in ensuring that your child approaches these examinations with maturity as grades achieved in the mocks are likely to inform set moves and the tier of examination a student is entered for. In addition, thorough revision at this point will only support preparation for the summer external exams.

Please find here further information that will support preparation and revision.

Yours faithfully

Mrs L Babb

Head of Year 11

Miss J Hicks

Key Stage Director