Dear Parents or Carers,

Whilst examinations are taking place over the TT period, it is important to be aware that the school is not operating as normal. To ensure things run smoothly, please ensure your child is aware of the following important information:

  • We have external TT guests using our school facilities over the TT period and as such, students are not to access any area of the school other than the exam venues specified on their timetables
  • There will be no bag drop facility open during TT and students should arrive with only the equipment required to sit their exam
  • Students should enter the school building at the point nearest their exam venue
  • Students are required to wear full school uniform
  • Mobile phones are not allowed in exam venues
  • If your child is going to be absent for any reason, or if you have any exam related enquiries during the TT period, please contact our Exams Officer, Mr Mark Kinvig, using the details below: or Tel: 01624 648712