Year 9 Relationships and Sex Education Dropdown day: Friday 11th October

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An additional drop down day, focusing on topics relating to Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), has been organised in collaboration between the Department of Education, Sport, and Culture and secondary schools. The purpose of this drop-down day is to provide year 9 pupils with learning opportunities that were missed during the pausing of the RSE curriculum.

During this drop down day, pupils will attend sessions delivered by teaching professionals and external agencies such as the police, Isle Listen, and health services. They will be covering topics that would normally have been taught in years 7 & 8, to promote safeguarding, and to encourage discussion, problem solving, and critical thinking skills.

RSE plays a vital role in helping young people to develop the knowledge, skills, and attributes needed in order to keep themselves safe and to enjoy healthy relationships throughout their lives. Parents wishing to support their child with these important topics may wish to access the Department of Education, Sport and Culture PSHE website.

Details of the sessions being delivered can be found on the next page. Should you have any questions or concerns, we encourage you to contact your child’s school for further discussion.

Speaker - Topic: Learning Outcomes
By the end of the session, students will be able to:
Isle Listen
Healthy Relationships
  • recognise what is meant by a ‘healthy relationship’
  • understand the importance of communication and respect
  • identify sources of support if they need help
Department of Education, Sport & Culture
  • explain what consent in relationships means
  • understand that they are responsible for their actions
  • recognise that they do not need to be in a relationship, and that relationships do not need to be physically intimate
Isle of Man Constabulary
Sharing images
  • understand the risks of using devices and social media to share indecent images
  • explain what the island’s laws say about image sharing
  • identify where to go for help if needed
School Health/Integrated Sexual Health Services
Contraception & Accessing Services
  • understand what sexual health means
  • describe different methods of contraception
  • identify how to access [sexual] health services on island
School staff
  • understand what is meant by ‘stereotypes’
  • recognise that aspirations should not be limited by stereotypes
  • respectfully challenge stereotypical thinking
Hannah Pants
Puberty and Menstruation
  • describe the physical/emotional changes of puberty
  • understand that menstruation is natural and normal
  • identify sources of support and further information