18th May 2022

Dear Parent/Carer,

Please find attached our updated Uniform Guidelines regarding uniform expectations, information for September, and further details below.

TIE & BADGE orders can now be placed at the school foyer or posted to the school, enclosing a cheque made payable to ‘Ballakermeen High School’, with a completed order form as attached. Current students already using ParentPay can use this facility to purchase ties and badges.

Ties & Badges Order Form

BLAZERS / JUMPERS can be ordered from Promenade Shirts or directly from their shop on Queen’s Promenade, Douglas.

PE KIT This information is for all students in Years 7 to 11 and is issued now to ensure that all orders are placed, collated and supplies ordered and received in time for issue in September 2022. **Please note the cut-off date, which is due to the high volume of orders expected. Any delay in placing orders could result in parent/carers missing the opportunity to purchase PE Kit as the main supplier can only store a small amount of additional stock. If you are unsure of sizes due to growth, we would recommend that you order larger sizes and Dangerous Apparel will exchange during the summer holidays for correct sizes if required.

The full range of Dangerous Apparel Ballakermeen High School PE kit is now available to order from their online store.

**Deadline for ordering 22nd June 2022 **

Sample PE kit is available to try on at their shop and we recommend that you visit the shop before you order online if you are unsure on the sizing.

For further information regarding any aspect of the new range please contact Dangerous Apparel:

Email: sales@dangerousapparel.co.uk

Tel: 01624 612080

Dangerous Apparel Ltd

1st Floor Robinson’s

30-32 Woodbourne Road


Isle of Man


Access via the side door on Sydney Street

Monday: 4.30pm – 6.30pm

Wednesday: 4pm – 6.30pm

Thursday: 4.30pm – 6.30pm