11th May 2023

Dear Parent/Carer,

Prior to the end of the academic year students in Year 9 will be sitting formal assessments in the core subjects of English and Mathematics. These will take place between Monday 12th June and Friday 16th June, and will be conducted during their normal lesson time.

Students are currently working with their subject teachers to ensure they are fully informed of what will be covered in the assessments, an outline of the requirements of these assessments is included in this communication; this information has also been posted on the Year 9 Google Classroom.

Science conducted their formal assessment prior to the Easter break, and students in Year 9 have now commenced the GCSE course in their lessons.

Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact your child’s tutor.

Yours sincerely,

Mr M Stokoe, Head of Year 9

Miss J Hicks, Key Stage Director

Subject: Topics of Study: Example(s) of type(s) of questions to expect:
50 minutes
Animal Farm
Merchant of Venice

Section A
8 x multiple choice on Animal Farm

Section B
Passage Analysis. A range of questions based on Shylock’s monologue “Hath not a Jew eyes?”

Section C
Extended Response.
An extended answer to one question, which will be based around the treatment of Shylock by the Christians.
Students will be given quotations, vocabulary and sentence stems to support their response.

Paper 1: 45 minutes
Paper 2: 45 minutes
All students will complete two papers over two lessons. The first will be non-calculator assessment and the second will be calculator assessment.

Useful websites to help with revision are:




The assessments will be based on any of the topics that you have covered this year. Structured revision lists will be posted on the google classrooms in the next week

Problem solving style questions.

Equipment: Black ink pen, pencil, ruler, rubber are needed for all tests.