Please note: the deadline for ordering PE kit is Wednesday 21st June. This is to give Dangerous Apparel time to collate and order their stock, and to receive their delivery in time for issue in September 2023.

Any delay in placing orders could result in parent/carers missing the opportunity to purchase PE Kit as the main supplier can only store a small amount of additional stock in their store. If you are unsure of sizes due to growth, we would recommend that you order larger now and Dangerous Apparel will exchange during the summer holidays for correct sizes if required.

The full range of Dangerous Apparel Ballakermeen High School PE kit is available to order from their online store:

Sample PE kit is available to try on at the shop if you are unsure on the sizing.

For further information regarding any aspect of the new range please contact Dangerous Apparel below-
Tel: 01624 612080

For further information regarding uniform orders for September, see here: Uniform