11th September 2023

Phaarenteyn veen / Dear Parent/Carer

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award Introduction - Tue 19th Sep, 6pm, New Canteen

As your child has now entered Year 9, they are eligible to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme. The Award has grown year-on-year at Ballakermeen and has played an important role in developing a wide range of skills and attributes in our young people. As such, we are inviting you and your child to attend an introductory evening to the Award at 6 p.m. on the 19th of September in the new canteen at Ballakermeen High School. Ample parking will be available on the school grounds.

During the evening we aim to give a brief introduction to the award, our staff volunteers, the benefits of the program and what is expected of those who undertake the scheme. It’s also important to consider how you, as parents or carers may be able to support your child.

We hope that the information session will be at most 40 minutes. Staff will be in attendance afterwards to answer any questions that you may have following the initial introductory session.

If your young person is hoping to participate in the Award, please ask them to join our Google Classroom. They should then indicate their attendance at the open evening by answering the question posted in the Classroom. This Classroom will serve as the main point of contact for information regarding the Award: Class code - 467znb2

If you require any further information please visit dofe.org or ask your child to come and speak to us directly. It is an essential part of the award that the participants become self- sufficient, as such we encourage them to find the information for themselves, either through the website or by coming to see us. If you have any specific concerns that need to be addressed, please contact the school at BHSEnquiries@sch.im.

Lesh yeearreeyn share / Best wishes,

V Harwood & K Breadner
Duke of Edinburgh’s Award co-ordinators