Dear Parent/Carer

As part of the Year 7 Geography course, we have planned a fieldwork trip to Castletown for the second half of the summer term. Depending on their teaching band, students will be going on one of the following days:

  • Band A = Wednesday 12th June
  • Band B = Thursday 13th June
  • Band C = Friday 14th June

Students are expected to be in school on time as usual and attend tutorial. We will leave the school by bus and travel to Castletown. Students will be studying land use and environmental quality in Castletown town centre. At these three locations a variety of fieldwork techniques will be carried out and the data collected will be used in follow-up lessons back in school. We will also be visiting the Silverburn River and undergo a tour of Castle Rushen.

Uniform is not required, however students need to wear comfortable clothing with sensible footwear for walking, e.g. trainers. Normal school rules still apply regarding jewellery, make-up, mobile phones etc. Students will also need a waterproof coat with a hood, sun cream, a clip-board and a packed lunch.

Lunches are also available for purchase in the school canteen from 08.30 to 08.45 am on the day of the visit. For those students who receive a free school meal, a packed lunch will be available for collection from the canteen on production of the student’s Smartcard between the same times. There is no opportunity to purchase food when we are out on the trip, but there may be the chance to buy an ice cream or a drink. The trip is during normal school hours and we will be back at school before 3.20 pm.

The cost of the fieldwork will be £5.00 per student.

Payments can be made via Parentpay. If you do not have access to Parentpay please contact the school office at to arrange this. If there is a problem meeting the cost of the fieldwork, your child should see his/her Geography teacher in private.

Yours faithfully,

Mr R. Murphy
Deputy Subject Leader of Geography