28th March 2023

Dear Parent/Carer,

University Trip – 17th July – 20th July 2023

We are in the process of making arrangements for our annual university trip. Although places are yet to be confirmed, it is likely that we will visit universities in the following areas:

Keele, Liverpool, Manchester, Chester, Leeds, Huddersfield, Sheffield, Nottingham and York.

We will have two coaches and students will have chosen in advance which universities they wish to visit. We advise our students to make sure that they visit all universities to which they are considering applying.

The total cost of the trip is in the region of £420.00. (The coach company has not finalised their price so there may be a small increase to this cost). Included in this price is:

  • Return travel from the Isle of Man by ferry
  • Coach transfers
  • Three nights’ bed and breakfast accommodation and two evening meals.
  • Visits to various universities in the North West/North East and Midlands
  • Insurance.

We will be staying in the Keele Halls of Residence and University of Manchester Halls of Residence. The only additional cost will be for refreshments and two evening meals, one of which may be at the Trafford Centre (to be confirmed) and a meal on the return boat. We would suggest that your child takes at least £15 per meal (£30) plus money for other refreshments and lunch. Students may also wish to bring money for shopping at the Trafford Centre.

If you would like your child to take part in this trip, please detach, complete and return: the reply slip and the Parent/Carer Consent for an Educational Visit form with an initial deposit of £140.00 via ParentPay by Wednesday 5th April 2023. Further payments will be due on or before the following dates, to be paid in full no later than 26th May 2023:

  • Friday 28th April 2023 £140.00
  • Friday 26th May 2023 £140.00

Payments can be made via ParentPay (University Trip 2023). Please email bhsenquiries@sch.im if you require access to ParentPay.

If the trip fails to attract sufficient numbers, your deposit will be returned. When the numbers have been confirmed to ensure the trip will go ahead, your deposit will be non-refundable as it is used to secure the booking.

Staged payments may be required once the trip has been booked and additional charges may be incurred if you withdraw your child from the trip at a later date. Every attempt will be made to find a replacement to offset the cost, but this cannot be guaranteed.

Places are issued on a first come first served basis.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

Richard Karran, Director of Sixth Form.