4th April 2023

Dear Parent/Carer,

During February Half Term 2024, we would like to offer the opportunity for our students to experience Skiing in Italy at the Folgaria Resort.

The trip is open to students of all year groups and provision is made for those who have no previous experience through to those who are expert skiers. We have chosen Italy next year as we are familiar with the resort, having taken a group there this year. It offers us a great location, with doorstep skiing, a highly recommended ski school and good quality accommodation.

We estimate the cost of the trip to be approximately £1800.

We understand that parents may well have questions they would like answers to before they feel able to commit to this trip. In light of this we would like to invite any interested parents to an information evening on Tuesday 25th April in the New Canteen where we can answer your questions and discuss the terms and conditions of the trip. The presentation will start at 6pm and should last no longer than one hour.

So we can gage interest in the trip, please would you indicate your intention to attend the meeting by completing the following Google form:


Kind regards,

Mr A Merrick, Trip Leader