Year 7 Dropdown Day
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Year 7 Dropdown Day: Wednesday 2nd October View Flyer Your child will be participating in a drop down day which has been organised to enhance their PSHE provision. Drop down days are ‘off timetable’ days, during which pupils attend interactive sessions led by external professionals. These sessions…

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Year 7 Meet the Tutor
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Dear Parent/Carer, May we begin by thanking you for preparing your children so well for the start of their secondary education. They look very smart in their new uniforms: we are proud of them already. We are pleased to inform you of an event that will help develop the partnership between home and…

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Flu Vaccines
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Dear Parent/Carer, This is final a reminder for you to submit consent for your child to have their flu vaccine in school. Submissions will close on Friday 20th September. Any consent forms received have this date may not be processed. If you have already submitted a consent after the 20th August yo…

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Talking in the Dark Podcast #59
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Year 10 student Evie created her very own podcast, 'Talking in the Dark' to raise awareness about blindness, visual impairment and disability in general, in a happy and light-hearted way. Evie was born with a condition called bilateral anopthalmia, meaning her eyes didn’t develop, and as a result E…

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UCM start date
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The information below provides details relevant to students undertaking a UCM course. From September 2024: Year 11 will attend on Tuesdays (starting 10th September) Year 10 will attend on Wednesday (starting 4th September) Please note that Year 10 students commence their courses on the first Wednes…

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Year 10/12 results
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Dear Parents or Carers, Due to a technical issue, we have been unable to send out the Year 10 and 12 results sheets. We will attempt to send them again on Monday next week.

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Manx Youth Orchestra
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Several of our talented musical students, and Mrs Roome, are currently on tour in the Netherlands with the Manx Youth Orchestra, playing concerts in Delft, Leiden and Beverwijk to very appreciative and impressed crowds! Videos of their superb performances in these concerts can be found on the Manx…

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Foodbank Donation
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Many thanks to all students and staff who contributed to this year's Foodbank collection. Pictured are some of the new Year 10 prefects and school council members who helped present the donation to the Foodbank.

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Non-Uniform Day
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Dear Parents/Carers, The usual rules apply for tomorrow’s non-uniform day. Students must: Wear sensible footwear Wear clothes that cover the back, shoulders and midriff Not wear inappropriately short skirts or shorts Not wear clothing that includes offensive or rude words Any students wearing cloth…

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