Uniform Reminder
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Dear Parents or Carers, I am delighted to report that the overwhelming majority of students continue to arrive wearing attire that conforms to our uniform policy. This message serves as a reminder that as of Monday next week, (30th September), any students wearing incorrect uniform will be sent hom…

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Sovereign Arts Finalists
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2 of our talented ex-Year 13 students have been shortlisted for the 2024 IOM Sovereign Art Foundation Student’s Prize! ‘Complexity’ by Lula Thomas ‘Time of my Life’ by Daniel Lawrie The winning artist chosen by Judges is awarded £800, with the school receiving £2,000. There is also a public vote wi…

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JA Kickstart Day
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Year 12 students have been out today at the Junior Achievement Company Programme Kickstart day at the Villa Marina! Teams now have the foundation to start building their own mini-companies, supported by a brilliant team of volunteer business mentors. We are excited to see what ideas they will come…

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Year 10 Hockey
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Year 10 girls played against Ramsey yesterday and went 1-0 up in the first half with Frankie scoring, ending in a score of 2-1 to Ramsey. They all played really well, with Poppy named man of the match. We look forward to playing CRHS next week!

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Year 9 RSE Dropdown Day
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Year 9 Relationships and Sex Education Dropdown day: Friday 11th October View Flyer An additional drop down day, focusing on topics relating to Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), has been organised in collaboration between the Department of Education, Sport, and Culture and secondary schools. T…

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Strive for 95
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We want all our BHS Learner to ‘Strive for 95’ – that’s 95% attendance at school! Did you know- 75% of students with 95% attendance achieve 5 GCSEs at A* to C? 61% of students with 90% attendance achieve 5 GCSEs at A* to C? Only 26% of students with 88% or below achieve 5 GCSEs at A* to C? Please s…

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Hansard donate DoE equipment
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This is just a small selection of the huge amount of equipment donated by the Green Team of Hansard International to the Ballakermeen Duke of Edinburgh unit. This equipment will allow our ever expanding unit to continue to provide our participants with all they need for a successful expedition. Mr…

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Year 7 Dropdown Day
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Year 7 Dropdown Day: Wednesday 2nd October View Flyer Your child will be participating in a drop down day which has been organised to enhance their PSHE provision. Drop down days are ‘off timetable’ days, during which pupils attend interactive sessions led by external professionals. These sessions…

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Year 7 Meet the Tutor
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Dear Parent/Carer, May we begin by thanking you for preparing your children so well for the start of their secondary education. They look very smart in their new uniforms: we are proud of them already. We are pleased to inform you of an event that will help develop the partnership between home and…

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