Bridge Christmas Fair
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Yesterday, some of our Year 8 - 11 Bridge students ran their own Christmas Fair over both lunchtimes in the Seating Area. This included a number of different stalls, with some amazing cake contributions from both staff and LSS students, for which we were very grateful, as well as a lucky dip. Howev…

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Christmas Carol Service
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We held our annual community Christmas Carol Service last night at St George's Church. It was a beautiful event and now truly feels a lot like Christmas! There were some wonderful musical performances from our talented students, interspersed with fabulous readings, making for a lovely evening. Many…

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Year 7 Handball
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Our Year 7 Handball teams competed in the Interschool's Handball tournament yesterday at Bermahague. They have all been training very hard on Wednesdays after-school, and should be extremely proud of their efforts, as we are!

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3FM SPC Carol Cup Entry
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A huge well done to our talented Specialist Provision Centre students on their entry into 3FM's Carol Cup! And a further congratulations must go to SPC staff Ellie Quayle and Simon Fletcher for the wonderful original song! Watch video on Facebook

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Library Christmas Reading Challenge
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The Library Christmas Reading Challenge is proving popular! Our librarian Ros has wrapped up some select library books in Christmas paper. Students can choose a parcel, take it home to open on Christmas day, and read, review and return it after Christmas for a prize and e-praise points! The idea of…

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Cross-Country success
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Douglas Rugby Club was the venue for the Inter-School cross country competition yesterday, which saw students from all years competing on a very muddy and slippery course. All students represented the school with pride and were a credit to Ballakermeen. Notable performances were : Tara 2nd and Darc…

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Students make 60 Christmas Hampers
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Some of our students have been working hard making a whopping 60 Christmas hampers for residents of Springfield Grange Nursing Home, to be delivered in person next week. Each hamper includes a variety of chocolate, handmade crafts, bath bombs and more, plus a hand written card from the students. Ma…

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Library Christmas Competition
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The library Christmas competition this year looks at Christmas around the world! Our display in the main library highlights a huge range of Christmas traditions from all over the world, and students can win e-praise points and a small prize if they can answer all the questions on our quiz sheet. Th…

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Dan and Joseph win JD vouchers
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Congratulations to Dan and Joseph on completing all of their skills grids at the recent DESC Employment and Skills event. They are the lucky winners of the draw for a £50 JD Voucher each, courtesy of Paragon Recruitment. Thank you to Mia from Paragon Recruitment for coming in to school to present D…

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